17. Tree
The Tree is stable, predictable and reliable. It provides shelter. It is a structure of perfect balance. The tree’s roots penetrate deep into the earth to sustain branches, which extend into the heavens. In the image we see the moon on the left and the sun on the right, representing symmetry and harmony. The tree branches represent a network of resources connecting and contributing to the wellbeing of the whole. If you have been visited by the Tree card today, its message is one of nurturing and balance. Perhaps you are increasing your efforts to be a resource for loved ones. Perhaps you are reminded to nurture and shelter your inner self. Congratulations on your upright, solid, and giving demeanor.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Anchor your roots deep into the earth to facilitate more growth. Develop structure, practice balance, and create stability. Be a resource for others and utilize the resources surrounding you. Network in order to branch out.
Key descriptors:
Stability, balance, growth that is steady and strong, foundations, shelter for others, resourcefulness, reliability, expansion, history, family structures, outreach, branching out, creating networks.
Am I resourceful, balanced, and structured?
Is there an opportunity for me to expand out into new networks?
Am I being asked to build a strong, reliable foundation for growth?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Adventure
Incompatible: 17 <> 9: Tree (lasting, stable) / Rose (fleeting, unsustainable)