-17. Archer
The Archer represents competition, selfishness, and frustration. The card depicts a tree that has been flipped upside down, with an archer aimed to shoot. Operating from a place of scarcity, the tree takes food from the roots of neighboring plants. If the Archer card has visited you today, perhaps you have been under the impression there are not enough resources for all. Have you been playing a winner-take-all game of competition? Are you drawing those around you into scarcity thinking? Feelings of lack and limitation may be draining everyone around you. Perhaps negative thinking and keeping score is why the archer misses the mark.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Use all possible resources and be self-centered in your pursuit of growth. Conserve your energy and ask others for help. You have been giving too much and taking too little. Absorb what you need to survive and thrive.
Key descriptors:
Egocentricity, self-indulgence, blind ambition, competition, frustration, stealing the energy / air / resources of others, vampirism, pessimism, lack and limitation, insecurity, selfishness.
Do I focus my attention on lack, limitation, or competition?
Am I self indulgent, focusing only on my wants and ignoring the needs of others?
Conversely, is it a time to be selfish, and pour other people'sā resources into my cup?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Intuition
Incompatible: -17 <> -4: Archer (selfish, competitive limitation / Key (seeker, open to possibility)