18. Garden
The Garden contains the seeds we sow and the fruits we reap in life. It is the visual representation of how we cultivate our lot in life and how we receive the world. Is your garden composed of weeds and rocks and heavy overgrowth? Or perhaps it requires high upkeep with carefully manicured landscape and intricate, delicate flowers? In the Garden card we see a picture of whimsy; the foot of a giant, a flying house, flowers with scarab heads, an oversized fuchsia-colored fruit. In this garden anything can happen. It is a place where seeds of fantasy manifest into a world of wonder. If the Garden card has visited you today you are the cultivator of your own life. You plant seeds and watch them grow. There is a need for domestic creativity, to welcome others into your space. You reap the bounty of the harvest you grow. You design a paradise all your own.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Dream. Make goals. Plant seeds of intentions and nurture them with tender care. Devote time and energy to creating a space where you can receive the world on your terms. Focus on your living space, projects, relationships, and art. Harness your creative and natural resources for intentional living.
Key descriptors:
Hospitality, dialogue, nesting, cultivation, collaboration, culture, intimate space for an individual to receive others, the kind mother, hands-on, beautification, active feminine creativity, domestic projects.
Is now a time to plant seeds and cultivate my dreams, a project, or a home?
Is there an opportunity to host or receive others at this time?
Can I contribute my uniqueness and participate in a greater community culture?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Base Need
Incompatible: 18 <> 8: Garden (cultivate relationships) / Tower (isolation from others)