-18. Terrarium
The Terrarium card represents mechanical agriculture. It takes place in a controlled environment, with a regulated climate, using genetically modified seeds in order to guarantee a projected outcome. The Terrarium does not submit to the whims of nature. Instead it takes every measure to overrule her through micromanagement, exactitude, and precision. If you have drawn this card today, you may be over-managing the people or activities in your life. There may be a lack of trust in others. The Terrarium card does not allow for mistakes. Its exacting nature stifles creativity. Have you been narrowing your universe? Take a look at structures you have projected onto your life.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Build and maintain systems in your life for optimum efficiency. It is important at this time that you pay attention to detail and have a hand in all areas of your life. Let nothing fall to chance. Follow your program. Stay between the lines. Be an assertive manager of your affairs.
Key descriptors:
Partitioning, compartmentalizing, security, control, strict organization, a rigid system, a narrow universe, micromanagement, stifled creativity, the exacting mother, middle management, manipulation, criticism.
Am I stifling creative freedom within myself or others?
Is there a need to manipulate, partition-off, or keep things encased for greater control?
Conversely, am I being asked to micromanage a person or situation?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Harmony
Incompatible: -18 <> -5: Terrarium (suppressing freedom) / Tigress (altruistic protection)