19. Pearl
The Pearl represents the beauty and elegance that we experience in the pinnacle of our imagination. It is originality and creativity. It is the moon on a silver platter that is ours for the taking. In the card we see a fisherman standing in a pearl-studded boat. He holds an immense pearl that is dripping with stars that glitter and coral that sparkles. He holds the pearl with reverence and we sense that this may be what he has been anticipating all of his life. Now he holds the ultimate gift. The fisherman does not stash the pearl into his boat. Instead, he holds it above his head with arms outstretched. In his receiving, he has made an offering. The action is the same. If the Pearl card has blessed you with its charm today you are in a process of beautification. You are simultaneously dreaming and living the dream. Life is charmed.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
The Pearl represents the dream; a gift we receive and also one we offer. If this card has visited you today, you are being asked to grab hold of the inspiration and beauty being offered to you. Realize the dream. Receive the gift. As soon as you do, it becomes an offering to others.
Key descriptors:
Poetry, imagination, dreams, elegance, beauty, originality, Aphrodite, transforming reality through the unseen and unreal, manifestation, living the dream, receiving.
What dream am I looking to realize?
What fantasies, fairy tales, or unimaginable outcomes are being presented for me?
Where can I find the beauty or the gift in a current situation or relationship?
Advanced play:
Native dimension: Core Relationships
Incompatible: 19 <> 7: Pearl (elegant gift) / Dragon (ugly rage)