-19. Mirage
The Mirage represents illusion, pretentiousness, and superficiality. It is the house so opulent and oversized that, in fact, it functions poorly. It is the chair so ornate it is uninviting. In the image, we see a face reflected on the surface of the pearl. The face is in anguish, yet the pearl is exquisite. This contradiction illustrates the illusion of the Mirage. When we attach to outer beauty, in order to quiet or deny our inner despair, we have fallen into the Mirage. When we convince ourselves we are happy by creating a world that is based on appearances then there too, we are in the Mirage. If this card has appeared before you today, consider your relationship with truth. Are you disconnected from your inner self? Is your outside environment in sharp contrast to your inner world? Perhaps it is time to be honest about your inner feelings. There is a possibility that you are living in denial. Is it time to take off the rose-colored glasses?
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Create a dream and escape into it. Write your own story. You are the character of your design. Feel free to fake it until you make it; to hope so greatly the impossible becomes possible. Live the Midas touch. Distort reality to your liking. In your world, anything can happen.
Key descriptors:
Illusion, superficiality, entertainment, escapism, pretending, denial, the need to make darkness beautiful, mirage, Narcissus, the Damsel, shams, disconnection from truth, distress, or suffering.
Am I looking at a person or situation through rose-colored glasses or fantasy?
Is there something ugly that I do not want to look at or is there a need to make everything beautiful?
Conversely, am I being asked to envision beauty and happiness, despite the reality of a situation?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Goal
Incompatible: -19 <> -6: Mirage (caught in illusion) / Laugh (detached role-playing)