-2. Infant
The Infant card represents the great cleansing or clearing. On the card we see tumultuous waves uprooting a tree and a row of houses. Raging clouds and lightning render everything into a state of disorder and chaos. In the top, right corner of the card we see the infant, the symbol of new life and potential. Although the storm creates upheaval, take hope in the fact that this card is charming. The water washes away the old, outdated rubble to create space for something new. Imagine a great flood that leaves fertile land in its wake, making way for new growth. Imagine the great forest fire that clears out the dying, rotting trees to make way for seeds to sprout anew. If this card appears in your life, rest assured a great cleansing is taking place. Old, familiar patterns, beliefs, behaviors, or relationships are being washed away to allow for new growth and greater potential. After the clouds clear your life will be fresh and renewed.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
The waves are so much greater than the infant and yet the infant remains afloat. The Infant card is asking for you to change and evolve through a great cleanse. Allow the old, out-dated or stagnant habits, people, places, or things to clear out. Let go and take heart, after a storm comes the sun.
Key descriptors:
Cleansing, clearing, emotional release, renewal, destruction as the cycle of creation, change, release, letting go, cutting chords.
Am I in a state of evolution or revolution?
Am I being called to look at the struggles, chaos, and uncertainties in my life from a new emotional perspective?
Is there an opportunity to let go, release, cleanse, or cut cords?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Harmony
Incompatible: -2 <> -15: Infant (emerge) / Members (conform)