20. Eye
The Eye symbolizes every level of knowledge and intelligence. In the image we see bones depicting experience and history. A book illustrates literary and scholarly intellect. A man closes his eyes in deep contemplation, reflecting the power of thought and mind. And finally, a large, single eye depicts the highest level of awareness; emotional intelligence and the wisdom of the soul. If you have attracted the Eye card today, you have access to all information. The wisdom of the past, emotional intelligence, spiritual awareness, writing, poetry, and your own reflective thoughts are available to you. The power of knowledge and discernment is yours.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Embrace a time of study, contemplation, and knowledge. Explore ideas and subjects that excite you. The Eye has cast its visionary gaze upon you, beckoning you to rummage through the knowledge of the past and present. Transcend the limits of understanding by acquiring knowledge.
Key descriptors:
Intelligence, information, insight, reflection, knowledge, truth, lucidity, memory, literature, teacher, the visionary, wisdom, emotional intelligence.
Is there an opportunity to use all sources of information (intellectual, meditative, new and experienced) to a relationship or person?
Is fair judgement, wisdom, and insight required at present?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Desire
Incompatible: 20 <> 6: Eye (truth) / Mask (fake)