-16. Crystal
A unicorn turned on its head is persnickety. It has strong opinions about how to do life properly. It prefers blue skies and rainbows. Atop its head is a finely tuned antenna, on high alert for what may be out of order in the world. Near the feet of the unicorn, we see a crystal glass. It is fragile, refined, and in danger of becoming shattered. In the Crystal card there is a sense of perfectionism and high propensity for manners. The crystal must remain perfectly intact. If you have received the Crystal card today, examine your tendency for perfectionism. Become aware of a need to fix people and make everything better. Maybe you have a penchant for poking around in other people’s business to provide unsolicited advice. Perhaps the obsession with everything needing to be beautiful has turned ugly.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Pursue perfection. A situation, project, or relationship is demanding the height of refinement and beauty. There is no room for error. Anticipate any obstacles. Affix your antenna to anything out of place. Right now, perfection is in the details. The Crystal gives you permission to meddle in another’s problem. Using your intuition, identify what’s not right and take action to fix the situation.
Key descriptors:
Perfectionism that spills onto others, rigidity, obsession with purity and order, rigid positive thinking/emotional dishonesty, empathy used to manipulate or control, exacting, focus on potential flaws, restriction.
Am I overly anticipatory of a negative outcome or small details that might go awry?
Am I being perfectionistic about a situation in my life, strict or exacting in my relationships?
Conversely, am I being asked to anticipate potential issues and turn my attention to every detail?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Base Need
Incompatible: -16 <> -3: Crystal (self-destructive perfectionism) / Crane (transcendence of self)