
1.  Ancestor

The Ancestor card represents discipline, authority, and rigid thinking. Imagine your most strict school teacher watching her students with eyes in the back of her head. Nothing escapes her. There will be no funny business under her watch. This card demands respect for tradition and the rules and conventions of society. It represents law and order. It is the old lady at church clucking her tongue at every breach of moral conduct. If this card has visited you today it is an opportunity for you to evaluate your relationship with authority. Are you acting as the rigid dictator of a relationship or situation? Perhaps, you have found yourself under the heavy weight of family expectations, institutions, or cultural conventions. Ancestor demands that you dot your I’s and cross your T’s. Will you comply?

If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:

Harness the power of your inner authority. It’s time to develop grit and self-discipline in full commitment to your work or a project. Develop the structure and consistent habits that will transform you into the master of your domain.

Key descriptors:

Authority, rigid thinking, conformity, rules, regulations, shame, morality, judgement, dogma, dictatorial control, tribe, ruler, structure, hierarchy, monarchies, dark witch.


  • What is my relationship to control in my life?  

  • Am I exacting control over others or feeling controlled by others?

  • Am I feeling stuck in tradition, ancestral ways of thinking, or rigid hierarchies?

Advanced play:

Native Dimension: Adventure
Incompatible: 1 <> 25: Ancestor (rigor, authority) / Child (play, spontaneity)