23. Source
Source is the fountain from which all youth, vitality, and creativity flow. It represents initiative, freshness, joy, fertility, and sustenance. It is the creation of an original, innovative product. It is the inspiration drawn from the well of contemplation and connection to higher consciousness. It is the project that has been fermenting, percolating, or gestating and is now birthing and coming to life. It is that which has never been done before. Like water coming from a mountain spring, it is pure, non-polluted, non-recycled, non-treated, original Source. In the card we see a woman hanging from the heavens, her hair becomes a river in which people frolic and dance. She has six breasts, representing her role to give and sustain life. If you have been visited by Source today, you dwell in a charmed state. You are experiencing exuberance and are giving or receiving inspired, fluid support. It is likely you have become a Source for your inner self or others. Celebrate in the fountain of creativity and ideas that are springing forth to you now.
Read as Advice:
Connect to Source. Partake in what makes you feel alive, fertile with ideas and inspiration. When we connect to the source of all things, we experience a never-ending stream of bountiful plenty. Be a vessel for joy. Let it spring out of you. Create.
Key descriptors:
Inspiration, fertility, fluidity, originality, innovation, initiative, youth, freshness, joy, abundance, The Muse / Mother, nutrition, vitality, creativity, Source.
Am I giving or receiving fresh ideas, or nourishment?
Is there inspired, fluid action I can take at this time in my life?
Am I source for others at this time?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Goal
Incompatible: 23 <> 2: Source (fresh initiative) / Mountain (obstacle)