
3.  Mountain

The Mountain represents struggle and endless work without reward. In the image we see men and women attempting to climb a mountain while carrying immense stone columns on their backs. The task is impossible, yet they continue to work and struggle without hope of success. If this card has visited you today you have an opportunity to assess the areas in your life that require struggle. The Mountain teaches us that we are engaged in a difficult, arduous endeavor. It is relentless and unforgiving in its demands. Even the most basic needs are difficult to meet while on the mountain. The steep paths deceive us. Just when we think we have arrived at the top we discover another peak up ahead. When we are on the mountain we believe that to exist is to struggle. Are you enduring a path of misery and struggle without end? If so, brace yourself for the task at hand. Or, consider asking the cards for a new direction. It doesn’t have to be this way.

If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:

Examine your relationship to work. Perhaps you need to get to work and focus on the task-at-hand. Consistency, servitude, and even toil are what is required for this moment. Exert the needed effort and carry on.

Key descriptors:

Difficulty, struggle, obstacle, pain, hardship, workaholism, disempowerment, enslavement, challenge, physical exhaustion, burden.


  • Where is there a source of struggle in my life?

  • Is it necessary for me to toil, without reward, somewhere in my present situation?

  • What is my relationship to work, responsibilities, or challenge?

Advanced play:

Native Dimension: Core Relationships
Incompatible: 3 <> 23: Mountain (obstacle) / Source (fresh initiative)