14. Embrace
The Embrace represents surrender, self-abandon, trust, loyalty, caress, and sensuality. The lovers in the image are all-in. They do not withhold. They do not think of the past or the future. They abandon everything outside of their immediate, heightened, sensual awareness. A white statue of Madonna and Child looks down on them, blessing the sanctity and purity of the moment. There is no shame. No guilt. No complicated expectations or adherence to exterior voices. Theirs is a royal, sacred space as depicted by the red velvet bedding and exquisite furnishings. If the Embrace visits you now, breathe in the juicy colors, textures, scents, and sensations of the moment. You can trust this embrace, whether it involves romance, friendship, work relationship, family, spiritual life, or other, now is the time to surrender to the moment and revel in the tenderness of what is.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Now is the time to accept the full embrace of yourself, another, or a situation. Bring masculine and feminine together into a unified whole. You are held by something greater than yourself. Embrace it. Enjoy the pleasure.
Key descriptors:
Exchange, merging, sensuality, surrender, eroticism, self-abandon, trust, integration, loyalty, oneness, unity, kundalini, romanticism
Am I being asked to fully embrace a person, place or situation?
Am I being asked to fully embrace all of who I am?
Is there an opportunity to let go, form attachment, and merge with another?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Fruit
Incompatible: 14 <>12: Embrace (surrender) / Laboratory (calculated)