
5.  Tiger

The Tiger personifies instinct and aggression. It does not premeditate. It does not assess and analyze its options or consider the wishes of others before making an attack. In the image on the card, we see a tiger that is disproportionately larger than the elephant that it is about to attack. We sense the strength of the tiger and the weakness of its prey. You are invited to examine your strength, power, and instinct in this situation. Perhaps this serves your highest good or perhaps you have unnecessarily resorted to violence, fear, and aggression on your rise to the top of the food chain. Either way, the Tiger card is here to alert you to a competitive instinct that is running wild.

If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:

Rely on your animal instinct and act with radical assuredness. It is time you recognize the tiger within you; the king of the jungle and the top of the pyramid. For a tiger, the only way to handle a conflict is head-on.

Key descriptors:

Aggression, instinct, violence, cruelty, attack, revenge, strength, conflict, dominance, taste for blood.


  • Am I acting animalistic (instinctual, competitive, violent)  towards someone, something, or a situation?

  • Am I the one feeling attacked, unsafe, or preyed upon?

  • Am I being called to be an instinctive, lightening-fast tiger in an area of my life?

Advanced play:

Native Dimension: Energy
Incompatible: 5 <> 21: Tiger (aggression) /  Honey (sweetness)