-15. Members
The Members card represents a select group of community. It is the country club with membership and monthly dues. It is the congregation whose members have a shared creed. It is the clan that gathers together with a shared heritage. If you have received the Members card today consider your interactions within and without social groups. This card wants to raise your awareness about the costs and benefits of insulated social circles. Are you surrounding yourself with like-minded people? Have you been substituting your own thoughts with those of the group. losing your sense of self? Have group demands and ideologies left you feeling claustrophobic? Exclusivity can create connection or stagnation. Consider whether your tribe really represents what you stand for.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
The Members card is asking you to be selective in your social interactions. Don’t spill all of your energy out on the undeserving or unappreciative. As you make intentional choices about who you invite into your circle, you can attract like-minded, passionate people who help you thrive and come alive.
Key descriptors:
Sect, herd, clan, clique, tribe, exclusion, group think, mediocrity, inability to think for oneself, hiding out, “us versus them,” corporate cog, obedience, loss of free will, conformity.
Am I conforming to the thoughts and ideas of others in order to fit in?
Do I exclude others, or participate in exclusionary thinking and communities?
Conversely, does it serve my highest good to surround myself with like-minded people?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Core Relationships
Incompatible: -15 <> -2: Members (conformity) / Infant (emergence)