-10. Crown
The Crown card represents peaceful power. It is rule without force. It is the power of a Queen, able to maintain order by finding satisfactory solutions for everyone in the land. She rules a land without duality. Under her rule, there is fulfillment for all at the expense of none. If the Crown has visited you today, consider it an invitation to assume peaceful power in your domain. You have the ability to create win-win solutions for your subjects. As you step into your power, you achieve balance and harmony through reign in your kingdom. Be bold in your leadership. Your heart is pure and proves you worthy of the throne. Wear the crown. Assume the mantle of Queen.
If this card was pulled with the intent to provide advice:
Lead with unity and harmony. It is time to merge opposites, to see both sides of the story, and to create solutions that serve everyone. You have the gift of leadership. Demonstrate fairness, benevolence, and moral fortitude.
Key descriptors:
Justice, peace, compassionate leadership, win-win solutions, balance, unification of opposites, benevolence, intelligence, morality, truth.
Where is balance, peaceful resolution, or merciful justice needed right now?
Am I being called to assume the role of the fair and benevolent leader?
Advanced play:
Native Dimension: Harmony
Incompatibles: -10 <> -23: Crown (self mastery) / Swamp (distracted, unstable)